Behavioral Neuroscience OER Table of Contents
Unit 1: Basics of Neuroscience
Module 1: What is Neuroscience?
Introduction to Biological Psychology
Section 1: Introduction to Biological Psychology (19-86 in pdf)
Psychology as a Biological Science
Evolutionary Theories in Psychology
Module 2: The Nervous System
Chapter 3.3: Parts of the Nervous System (99-102 in pdf)
Introduction to Biological Psychology
Section 2: Exploring the Brain (89-140 in pdf)
Chapter 3.5: The Endocrine System (114-116 in pdf)
Module 3: Genetics & Development
Chapter 3.1: Human Genetics (76-83 in pdf)
Psychology Through the Lifespan
Chapter 3: Heredity & Prenatal Development (sections titled Heredity & Prenatal Development only, 104-149 in pdf)
Section 1 Chapter 9: Synapse Formation & Elimination
Unit 2: Neurons & Neurotransmitters
Module 4: Neurons
Chapter 3.2: Cells of the Nervous System (93-99 in pdf)
Section 1: The Neuron (13-24 in pdf)
Section 2: Ion Movement (27-32 in pdf)
Section 3: Membrane Potential (33-45 in pdf)
Section 4: The Membrane at Rest (46-54 in pdf)
Section 5: Postsynaptic Potentials (55-64 in pdf)
Section 6: Action Potentials (65-83 in pdf)
Module 5: Synapses & Neurotransmitters
Section 8: Synapse Structure (99-106 in pdf)
Section 9: Neurotransmitter Synthesis & Storage (107-121 in pdf)
Section 10: Neurotransmitter Release (122-128 in pdf)
Section 13: Neurotransmitter Clearance (154-161 in pdf)
Module 6: Psychopharmacology
Chapter 4.5: Substance Use & Abuse (144-153 in pdf)
Introduction to Biological Psychology
Section 6: Psychopharmacology (237-280 in pdf)
Module 7: Psychopathology
Chapter 15.1: What are Psychological Disorders? (574-578 in pdf)
Introduction to Biological Psychology
Section 17: Schizophrenia (688-733 in pdf)
Introduction to Biological Psychology
Section 16: Affective Disorders (639-687 in pdf)
Unit 3: Perception & Motivation
Module 8: Vision
Chapter 5.3: Vision (173-181 in pdf)
Introduction to Biological Psychology
Section 9: Lighting the World: Our Sense of Vision (408-450 in pdf)
Module 9: Nonvisual Senses
Introduction to Biological Psychology
Section 10: Perceiving Sound: Our Sense of Hearing (359-407 in pdf)Psychology 2e
Chapter 5.5: The Other Senses (185-189 in pdf)
Introduction to Biological Psychology
Section 11: The Chemical Senses (451-479 in pdf)
Module 10: Motivation
Chapter 10.1: Motivation (342-357 in pdf)
Introduction to Biological Psychology
Section 14: Motivated Behavior (554-593 in pdf)
Module 11: Sex & Love
Chapter 10.3: Sexual Behavior, Sexuality, & Gender Identity (364-372 in pdf)
Section 35: Sexual Differentiation (375-383 in pdf)
Section 36: Masculinizing Effects of Estrogen (384-386 in pdf)
Section 38: Social Bonding (393-396 in pdf)
Unit 4: Interacting with the World
Module 12: Sleep
Chapter 4.1: What is Consciousness? (126-131 in pdf)
Chapter 4.2: Sleep (132-134 in pdf)
Chapter 12: Sleep & Circadian Rhythm
Module 13: Learning & Memory
Chapter 6.1: What is Learning? (202-203 in pdf)
Chapter 13: Learning & Memory (Learning section only)
Chapter 8.1: How Memory Functions (274-282 in pdf)
Section 4 Chapter 7: Memory
Module 14: Emotions
Chapter 10.4: Emotions (372-382 in pdf)
Chapter 15: Emotions
Module 15: Language
Chapter 7.2: Language (240-244 in pdf)
Chapter 14: Lateralization & Language (Language section only)
Beyer, A. & Lazzara, J. (2020) Psychology Through the Lifespan. Maricopa Community Colleges (Pressbooks) CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
Biswas-Diener, R. & Diener, E. (2020) Psychology as a Biological Science. Noba (Open Textbook Library) CC BY-NC-SA
Hall, C. N. (2023) Introduction to Biological Psychology. University of Sussex Library (Open Textbook Library) CC BY-NC
Henley, C. (2021) Foundations of Neuroscience. Michigan State University Libraries (Pressbooks) CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
Lim, A. (2021) Open Neuroscience Initiative. CC BY-NC 4.0
Spielman, R. M., Jenkins, W. J., & Lovett, M. D. (2024) Psychology 2e. OpenStax. CC BY 4.0
Neuroscience Online. UT Health Science Center at Houston. “Open-Access”, but CC status unclear